The concept is simple: 32 contestants are matched up at random into groups of four and are then each required to write a 15-minute set of original music. 6-8 weeks later, the "bands" will perform in front of an audience at a local rock club. A panel of judges vote on the winners and they receive prizes.

The event itself has very little rules and qualifications. To enter, one must have previous experience of playing an instrument, regardless of technical ability. Band members are allowed to drop out, but cannot be replaced or swapped with another bands. There is a fee of $5 to participate in the event, which goes directly towards the cash prize.

The Purpose
To expose the talent of Philadelphia musicians, to tear down the social barriers that keep these musicians from interacting, to attempt to unify the sometimes-divided Philly music scene and just to have a good time.

The History
Rock Lotto started at James Madison University in 1997, where Tim Gordon orchestrated the event to let people who were intimidated by the thought of getting on stage have the chance to rock out.

Kerry Cantwell Fitzgerald, then a graduate student at JMU and participant in that Rock Lotto, brought it to life in Chapel Hill. It has remained a consistently popular local event there since its inception in 2000.

Rock Lotto Philadelphia is organized by Maria Tessa Sciarrino, an event promoter, who understands the trials and tribulations of finding people who want to play music.

Find out who played in Rock Lotto here »