Do I already need to be in a band to enter Rock Lotto?
It doesnt matter if you've been playing in a band for years
or if you've never played outside your bedroom before. Rock Lotto is about
getting musicians of all kinds together for an incredibly unique experience.
What are the musical requirements of Rock Lotto?
All we ask of you is that you have previous experience playing an instrument.
This means that Rock Lotto will not have been the first time you've picked
up a guitar. Rock Lotto does not expect you to know what an augmented
chord is. Some of the best music we've heard has been by people who were
never trained as musicians!
What if someone drops out?
Thats fine, but they cannot be replaced. However, you need to notify
the organizers.
What if everyone drops out of my band except for me?
You have the option of performing at Rock Lotto as a solo artist.
What if we wanna quit?
You must notify the organizers 3 weeks prior to the performance.
Where are we going to rehearse?!
Rock Lotto does not provide the bands practice space. Think of
this as if it were any other band, and its up to the individual members
to come up with their own space.
Can I just mail/email/fax/etc you my five dollars and contact info?
No. Every person who desires to participate in the Rock Lotto must be
in attendance at the drawing. This is to ensure that people commit to
the game (and so not secretly signing up someone else), as well as help
the newly formed bands figure out logistical concerns.
Plus, there will be entertainment before and after the drawing, so come
and hang out with your friends!
When does the second half take place?
The exact date will be announced at the drawing.
Questions? Comments?
Contact Maria Tessa Sciarrino.